... from my photographic diary ... (2008–2010)
A photo essay by Thomas Krempke
(published in Cinema #56)
Photography is also the yearning for stillness, for time to stand still, a fight against dying and forgetting, a longing to immortalize an instant, for the power to snatch an instant away from all-devouring time and hold on to it forever. (Even if my photo diary contains a thousand pictures, all told they represent at most sixty seconds of my life. I was able to wrest that much time from Chronos, pathetically paltry plunder to be sure, but better than nothing. Photography is a wonderfully pathetic undertaking!)
But photography is also pausing when everything else is moving. The world is sweeping past me and I’m standing still – at least for the moment it takes me to shoot a picture and steal one more little slice of eternity from time. For when all motion is frozen, I have stopped time and, for that fraction of a second, created an immortal moment on a sheet of paper.